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Folder structure

Okay so how is this project organized?

The project is using flavour of the MVC model, aka Model, View, Controller. A way to split different into logical parts, thus making it easier to maintain. Lets have a look at the actual file structure:



Controllers are the actual business logic in the API, they take some data as input, perform some task, and then emits an output. More about them here.


Middlewares are highly reusable functions that can be put between an actual request and a controller, these are often used to verify that a user has some form of data that is required for it to perform the request. An example of a common middleware is an authentication function that assures that the user performing the request has the privilege to perform the action (such as deleting an item or creating a new one).


Models are definitions of how data is stored in the database. These functions do not contain any logic. All models are defined using typegoose.


Routes have the responsibility to redirect an incoming request to the correct corresponding controller. Incoming requests will always have a URI such as /<program>/content. This information is used to determine which controller to use. A route path can have one out of four different "http verbs", POST, GET, UPDATE and DELETE.


Utilities are highly reusable (very general) functions that don't necessarily belong to a specific place in the codebase. Think of utilities as small libraries.